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What Does Roof Hail Damage Look Like?

As hailstorms pummel down, our natural instinct is to assess the obvious havoc they wreak: dented vehicles, fragmented windows – the visible foes that immediately catch our attention. But a more insidious damage remains concealed, a menace that dwells overhead, out of sight: roof hail damage. Often ignored, the harm inflicted upon our roofs potentially…   Read More»

Did Hail Hit? Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late!

Even if you only experienced a small amount of hail damage to your roof, the longer you wait to repair the damages, the more money it will end up costing you in the long run. When hailstones impact a roof, they can cause dents, cracks, and other types of damage to the shingles or other…   Read More»

What is the Best Color for a Metal Roof in a Hot Climate?

Choosing the perfect color for your metal roof in a hot climate isn’t just about looking good. Think of it like picking the right SPF for your house. Choosing the right roof color can be a game-changer for how your home handles the heat. But what is the best color for a metal roof? In…   Read More»

Should I Replace My Roof If It’s Not Leaking?

As a homeowner, your roof is the legend of your house, silently holding it together while keeping out the elements like a ninja on duty 24/7. But should you reward that steadfast performance by replacing it even if it’s not leaking? The answer isn’t always obvious. Should I replace my roof if it’s not leaking?…   Read More»

What is the Best Metal Roof for a House?

Revolutionizing both the topography of homes and the mindset of homeowners, metal roofing emerges not just as a trendy alternative to traditional shingles, but as a sustainable statement for the future. The market no longer dictates our choices; our planet does. So, what is the best metal roof for a house? What is the best…   Read More»

Take Action NOW to Prepare for Severe Weather -Don’t Wait for Hurricane Season to Start!

While Hurricane Season in Florida is from June 1 through November 30th, it’s important to acknowledge that severe weather can happen at any time.  Many of the steps you take to get ready for hurricane season are perfect prep for any major storm. Thank you to the National Weather Service for the following information.  1. Know Your…   Read More»

How Do You Know If You Need a New Roof?

Much like a knight wouldn’t dare enter battle with compromised armor, your home deserves a robust, reliable roof for safeguarding against weather’s fury. So, how do you know if you need a new roof? This guide aims to assist homeowners, property managers, and roofing professionals in identifying the critical signs that signal a roof’s plea…   Read More»

What is the Best Coating for a Metal Roof?

What is a home without a roof? This sounds deeply philosophical but we’re talking actual roofs here. Tough and resilient, but still needing a good polish to keep the elements at bay. The best coating for a metal roof can turn your metal roof from a noble protector into an unstoppable superhero. So, what’s the…   Read More»

How to Clean Copper Roof Flashing

Like the gilded domes of churches in the Mediterranean, copper flashing has long been a symbol of both security and grandeur in building design. It’s the unsung hero in your home’s ensemble, the Clint Eastwood of the building scene, if you will. But, much like any actor needs a break between films to prepare for…   Read More»

Never Fear – R&R is Here!

Hailstorms and their resulting damage can be a little scary, but R&R is here for you with both commercial and residential options to repair your roof!  If you are in need of damage repair after recent hail, do not hesitate to call R&R Industries at 386-253-7627. We have plenty of experience with customers who experienced hail…   Read More»